Our partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana, Environment 360, WIEGO and other organizations to build a plastic waste sorting centre in Ghana is a step towards fighting against the effects of indiscriminate disposal of plastic waste and  building a sustainable planet for the future.

The centre forms part of an inclusive recycling project aimed at lowering pollution by increasing plastic collection rates and improving waste pickers livelihoods through innovative social and environmental solutions.

To read more on the Pick-It Project, click here.

To foster a healthy lifestyle amongst young consumers, we introduced the FanChoco Caravan in 2018 to sensitize children between the ages of 8 years and 15 years on the importance of healthy snacking and good sanitation.

Through FanChoco Caravan, we are empowering children become agents of change in order to build a sustainable planet. Special bins are made available in schools and pupils are encouraged to drop empty FanChoco sachets in them for a chance to win prizes. These wrappers are collected by the Caravan Team and taken to the Pick-It sorting centre for recycling.

Healthy lifestyle is in our DNA. That is why we offer a variety of nutritious food options for our consumers across the region. ​

We have launched SuperYogo, a fortified frozen yoghurt for health conscious consumers who increasingly want more natural, healthy and nutritious products.